People are always trying to be perfect, but what do you think perfection is? Would a perfect life be a family with a mom and a dad with two kids, (a boy and a girl,) a dog, a white picket fence, no money issues and a nice car?? Is a perfect kid someone who gets straight A's, doesn't talk back to their parents and has a million friends? people obsess about being perfect or being the best. but why I ask? If your whole life is about being perfect or being as close as possible to perfect, what fun is that? If you're always worried or stressed about your grades and you get upset because you got a 90% and not a 95%, is it worth it?It's just a grade! It's really not that big of a deal. In 100 years no one is going to care or remember who you were, and how not perfect you were.
Is perfection really achievable? in school even if you deserve 100% or more you won't get it no matter what, the highest mark you can get is 99% (99% isn't perfect). Do people strive to be perfect for themselves or for other people? do you ever here a kid mad at themselves because they didn't get an A? no, they're pissed because there parents are going to be pissed or because their friend got a higher grade. So What? don't get me wrong, trying your best is great it's just that i don't see the point in getting worked up over something as dumb being the best at something. Let's just say you are perfect, then what? you can't get any better at what you do you can only get worse. I really don't think being perfect is worth it, I would rather have fun and try my best and not worry about every little thing.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
An Inconvenient Truth

I watched An Inconvenient Truth this weekend. It's a documentary about global warming, the effects, and what we can do to prevent it. Al Gore is presenting the information in a slide show to a room full of people. But there are little clips of Al Gore talking about his childhood which could have been left out but what ever. Any ways... It was an eye opening experience and I learned A LOT, to tell you the truth it kind of scared me because he said that Antarctica and the ice caps are melting and if more of it melts it could raise sea level by 20ft. which is a huge disaster for the enviroment, since the water would be melting it would dilute the salty water which means that the ocean currents would get messed up and stop working so heat wouldn't be ditributed around the world, also do you remember the turtle from finding nemo?him and his little family used the ocean currents to migrate- if the ocean currents stop turtles and other animals won't know where to go. Global warming doesn't just make the Earth warmer it makes natural disasters worse and more frequent-this year alone most hurrcain records as well as tornado records have been broken. If you do little things like change all the light bulbs in your house to energy effiecient ones you can drastically reduces Carbon emissions. Global warming is a big issue and I urge everyone to watch this documentary!
Blondes vs Brunettes
I was watching T.V. and I saw a commercial for Sunsilk shampoo. There were 2 blondes talking about how the shampoo will make your hair blonder or something and at the end of the commercial one of the blondes said "don't worry brunettes atleast your mom thinks your pretty". This got me thinking - do people find blondes more attractive then brunettes?Personally I don't think blondes are less intelligent or more attractive then brunettes but I have noticed that people who dye their hair blonde try to act less smart or act "ditzy" I think girls today think that if you dye your hair blonde you some how get pretty, i really don't perfer one colour over the other but i want to hear what you think
Thursday, April 12, 2007
What a Great Influence!

As we all know, Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie have their own show where they live "the simple life," and after a highly publicized non-friendship between both girls they are coming back to ruin your televison experience in yet another season. In this season they are going to be camp counsellors. one of the camps they're going to is a "fat" camp, in which they will have to teach overweight kids how to balance diet and exercise to become a healthy weight. Theoretically, this camp sounds like a great idea. but being councelled by Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie? camp councellers are often seen as authority figures and good influences, but think that Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton are some of the worst people to look up to, considering they are famous for nothing, and both of them are suggested to have suffered from eating disorders....particuarilly Nicole. How would you feel if you were at fat camp and you were looking up to anorexically skinny, alcoholic, and extremely ditsy girls ? Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie realize that they arent the best role models Im sure, but they really don't care; as long as they make even more money from their up coming series!
Monday, April 2, 2007
Beauty is pain... You have no idea

Personally I believe that animal testing is wrong. People will argue that because of animal testing we have had many medical advances such as, penicillin, organ transplants, and many other vaccines. However do we actually need to torture animals to get the perfect shade of lipstick??? Cosmetic companies don't change the world they aren't trying to cure cancer or HIV/AIDS. With there advances you get foundation that matches your skin colour, or a lipgloss that stays on longer than other lip glosses(Wow), is that really worth it? For an animal in a testing lab, the time there born and every single day of their lives they are tortured, whether it's having chemicals burning your skin and eyes (They purposely blind animals just to find out facts we already know!!) and pumping chemicals into their stomaches, the only time they don't feel any pain is when they die-unloved and alone. Cosmetic companies use mice, rats dogs, cats, rabbits,birds, monkeys, and many other animals. You may ask yourself if we have so many advances why aren't there any other ways to test products? They have other ways to test their products they can use computer models and simulations, as well as cultured cells, bacteria or insects as replacements for mammals. Around 115 MILLION animals are experimented on and killed in laboratories(medical labs, universities, medical schools, pharmaceutical companies, farms and cosmetic companies) in the U.S. every year. Here are just a few products/companies that are tested on animals :
-Arm & Hammer
-Banana Boat
-Elizabeth Arden
-Johnson & Johnson
-S.C. Johnson & Son
-Max Factor
-Sally Hansen
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