I watched An Inconvenient Truth this weekend. It's a documentary about global warming, the effects, and what we can do to prevent it. Al Gore is presenting the information in a slide show to a room full of people. But there are little clips of Al Gore talking about his childhood which could have been left out but what ever. Any ways... It was an eye opening experience and I learned A LOT, to tell you the truth it kind of scared me because he said that Antarctica and the ice caps are melting and if more of it melts it could raise sea level by 20ft. which is a huge disaster for the enviroment, since the water would be melting it would dilute the salty water which means that the ocean currents would get messed up and stop working so heat wouldn't be ditributed around the world, also do you remember the turtle from finding nemo?him and his little family used the ocean currents to migrate- if the ocean currents stop turtles and other animals won't know where to go. Global warming doesn't just make the Earth warmer it makes natural disasters worse and more frequent-this year alone most hurrcain records as well as tornado records have been broken. If you do little things like change all the light bulbs in your house to energy effiecient ones you can drastically reduces Carbon emissions. Global warming is a big issue and I urge everyone to watch this documentary!
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