As we all know, Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie have their own show where they live "the simple life," and after a highly publicized non-friendship between both girls they are coming back to ruin your televison experience in yet another season. In this season they are going to be camp counsellors. one of the camps they're going to is a "fat" camp, in which they will have to teach overweight kids how to balance diet and exercise to become a healthy weight. Theoretically, this camp sounds like a great idea. but being councelled by Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie? camp councellers are often seen as authority figures and good influences, but think that Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton are some of the worst people to look up to, considering they are famous for nothing, and both of them are suggested to have suffered from eating disorders....particuarilly Nicole. How would you feel if you were at fat camp and you were looking up to anorexically skinny, alcoholic, and extremely ditsy girls ? Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie realize that they arent the best role models Im sure, but they really don't care; as long as they make even more money from their up coming series!
I would feel so bad if i were at fat- camp and had anorexic councellors. obeisty is just as bad an eating disorder as anorexia is, so I think it would be terrible to have no positive role models at camp.
ya im a major hater of paris and nicole. I think that they should get a life. I definitley do not want to be counselled by them. Why so they can teach you to be disgusting and ruin their lives even more? All they would be thinking about is im fat. not a great influence
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