Personally I believe that animal testing is wrong. People will argue that because of animal testing we have had many medical advances such as, penicillin, organ transplants, and many other vaccines. However do we actually need to torture animals to get the perfect shade of lipstick??? Cosmetic companies don't change the world they aren't trying to cure cancer or HIV/AIDS. With there advances you get foundation that matches your skin colour, or a lipgloss that stays on longer than other lip glosses(Wow), is that really worth it? For an animal in a testing lab, the time there born and every single day of their lives they are tortured, whether it's having chemicals burning your skin and eyes (They purposely blind animals just to find out facts we already know!!) and pumping chemicals into their stomaches, the only time they don't feel any pain is when they die-unloved and alone. Cosmetic companies use mice, rats dogs, cats, rabbits,birds, monkeys, and many other animals. You may ask yourself if we have so many advances why aren't there any other ways to test products? They have other ways to test their products they can use computer models and simulations, as well as cultured cells, bacteria or insects as replacements for mammals. Around 115 MILLION animals are experimented on and killed in laboratories(medical labs, universities, medical schools, pharmaceutical companies, farms and cosmetic companies) in the U.S. every year. Here are just a few products/companies that are tested on animals :
-Arm & Hammer
-Banana Boat
-Elizabeth Arden
-Johnson & Johnson
-S.C. Johnson & Son
-Max Factor
-Sally Hansen
wow amey, youre so smart. covergirl tests on animals too ?! that is ridiculous. why dont they just test on people, especially since animals could react differently from humans anyway, therefore they would just needlessly be killing animals.
Wow ... I actually buy a lot of products from some of those companies. Thats honestly shocking to me! I will deffinatly try and stay away from them from now on. =(
I totally agree with you. I think that animal testing is totally wrong. you should read my article on my shark poaching. Using any animal to their adavantage is wrong just because people want everything to be to their satisfaction. My article is similar to yours because mine talks about how people kill sharks to make shark fin soup in asia. THats sick. Poor animals. Im talking about all animals. but I think taht your article is so interesting and I think that that stuff should be banned all over the world.
Excellent post. Very interesting topic, and one that isn't discussed as much as it should be. Keep up the good work - you will need to write a lot for Sunday!
I agree animal testing is wrong! In grade 11 English i wrote a 6 page essay on the fact that animal testing is wrong. I can't believe Elizabeth Arden tests on animals I never want to use their products again, Im upset i made my makeup appt. for prom at sears at that make-up booth I may just have to change that! lol
This is crazy i never really thought about it before..its crazy makes me think twice about the make up i have at home today.... besides animals and humans could have different reactions so what would the point be??
I didn't think that this stuff was still done. That's very sad.
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