Monday, April 23, 2007

You're perfect... so what?

People are always trying to be perfect, but what do you think perfection is? Would a perfect life be a family with a mom and a dad with two kids, (a boy and a girl,) a dog, a white picket fence, no money issues and a nice car?? Is a perfect kid someone who gets straight A's, doesn't talk back to their parents and has a million friends? people obsess about being perfect or being the best. but why I ask? If your whole life is about being perfect or being as close as possible to perfect, what fun is that? If you're always worried or stressed about your grades and you get upset because you got a 90% and not a 95%, is it worth it?It's just a grade! It's really not that big of a deal. In 100 years no one is going to care or remember who you were, and how not perfect you were.
Is perfection really achievable? in school even if you deserve 100% or more you won't get it no matter what, the highest mark you can get is 99% (99% isn't perfect). Do people strive to be perfect for themselves or for other people? do you ever here a kid mad at themselves because they didn't get an A? no, they're pissed because there parents are going to be pissed or because their friend got a higher grade. So What? don't get me wrong, trying your best is great it's just that i don't see the point in getting worked up over something as dumb being the best at something. Let's just say you are perfect, then what? you can't get any better at what you do you can only get worse. I really don't think being perfect is worth it, I would rather have fun and try my best and not worry about every little thing.


sweety pie said...

WEll there is no perfect and being kind of religious with god and every thing I think that there is no perfect and no one is going to be perfect. I think your right on some level. People should stop worrying aobut being perfect and just live thir lives. But they should live their lives where they arn't going to be getting into trouble and respect who they are. But I think you should know taht just because someone has a mom and a dad and they have two kids(boy and a girl), a dog, and picket fence and to top that off, a nice car, doesn't mean that they are perfect. Lots of people have that and want that but have no intentions of thinking that that fits right in with a perfect life. comment back.

enigma said...

Captian Awsome,I think you are right. Perfection is not perfect itself, perfection is twisted and messed up. The entire concept of perfection is so completley absurd, being something without flaw. You are right!!!

Captian Awesome said...

My blog had no reference to religion, and i'm not saying that if you have a family with two parents 2.5 kids a dog and a white picket fence that they don't have there own problems it was just an example

MzQbit said...

Captain, I found this post very interesting, and you have fueled an interesting discussion. Perfection is an odd thing to strive for, and I think that people who are focused on whatever their "perfection" is to them can run the risk of losing themselves to a goal that is unattainable.

However, in my class, 100% IS obtainable, so keep blogging!