So many teenagers these days have facebook, and although i personally dont have it, ive realized recently that theirs a good reason not to have it: you can so easily stalk people and be stalked by facebook. did you know that all of your personal information is displayed, including your phone number and your address ? not only that, you can veiw every picture the person has had taken of them that are added by other people. you can veiw this even if youre not friends with them, as long as youre in the same network, such as the ernestown network. Alot of people use facebook as a popularity contest, so even if they hardly know someone, they will add them or allow them to be added. this is weird, cause even if you've only met someone once, you can read all of thier information and veiw all of their pictures. you can also veiw all of their friends, so you know who they hang out with and everything. you can even read thier notes, which can sometimes be really personal. even the quizzes display so much personal information about themselves, and then just anyone can read it. the thing about facebook that freaks me out the most is the fact that you can read peoples conversations over the wall, simply by clicking wall-to-wall. you can see whole conversations about what people are doing, where they're going etc. so many teenagers dont even realize how dangerous it could be to have soo much personal information on the internet. i think its pretty dangerous, their are so many creepers out there these days. :
haha. i see exactly what youre saying, Captain awesome. but still, i do love my facebook.
As I have said before, I have seen it make breakups very difficult for a number of people I know. The stalking can be too hard to resist, and people end up torturing themselves on their exes blogs, or making up fake flirtations to make their ex sad. It is not helping the healing process.
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