Monday, June 4, 2007

War: The Easiest Way To Get You

MmmHmm, so not really a huge fan of having to write this one, 'cause it makes me a little bit angry to think about how these people manage to control everything that we see, that leads to them controlling what we believe (oh yes, they do). So i guess the easiest place to see it is when we watch American News Stations (because our lovely Canada would never do such a thing ... maybe it's because we haven't been to war since ... 1940's I think? Or maybe it's because we happen to own all of two networks, and our people just watch Americn TV anyways)As most of you should know (unless you happen to be a hermit)the US has been at war for quite some time now. In order to justify this to the American people, the government used ... what else? THE MEDIA!! a shocking 80% of US citizens were against going to war before Colin Powell went to the UN to ask permission (which he didn't get, but decided to attack anyways), and during the week leading up to his visit, the US news stations aired countless interviews with retired generals and whatnot about the war, and whether or not they thought it was a good idea ... here's the thing ... many of the men who own these networks also have major shares in arms dealers or other industries that would benifit from war, so when they booked poeple to interview, all of them got people that would say the the war was a GOOD thing. So of course, everyone watched these, and most people changed their minds ... going into Iraq, there was something like a 90% approval rate (that changed in only one week!) NOT only that, but now that they're there, they continue to make the war look like a good thing. The army wont let any news cameras on missions that aren't peace keeping type missions, becasue they dont want to look bad. When Iraquis kill americans, they're "attacks from the insurgencies" or if they kill civilians, it's a "mass murder of their own", but American attacks are "operations" and when AMERICANS kill civilians, they're called "casualties". Alot of people don't see these things, but check out next time you watch the coverage of the war, and see what you can pick up on.

1 comment:

MzQbit said...

when i think too much about the kinds of things that your blog is discussing here, I think I know why US and People sell so many copies. It doesn't leave you with that panicky sick feeling - well, unless its an edition about too thin celebrities.