Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The number 23

crazy facts about the number 23:
-Each parent contributes 23 chromosomes to the DNA of a child
-It takes 23seconds for blood to circulate through out your entire body
-in humans the 23rd chromosome determines gender
-December 23, 2012- that's the day the Mayan calender ends-predicting an apocalyptic event
-W is the 23rd letter in the alphabet- the symbol for that is two points down and three points up
-the first testing of an atomic bomb was on July 16, 1945: 7+16=23
-the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 15, 1945: 8+15=23
-Kurt Cobain was born in 1967: 1+9+6+7=23 he died in 1994: 1+9+9+4=23
-Julius Caesar was stabbed 23 times when he was assassinated
-230 people died on TWA flight 800


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how fascinating - I had no idea. Good work catching up on the blog. You really pulled through. Now you are probably addicted and want to blog forever, right???

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