Tuesday, June 19, 2007
The number 23
-Each parent contributes 23 chromosomes to the DNA of a child
-It takes 23seconds for blood to circulate through out your entire body
-in humans the 23rd chromosome determines gender
-December 23, 2012- that's the day the Mayan calender ends-predicting an apocalyptic event
-W is the 23rd letter in the alphabet- the symbol for that is two points down and three points up
-the first testing of an atomic bomb was on July 16, 1945: 7+16=23
-the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 15, 1945: 8+15=23
-Kurt Cobain was born in 1967: 1+9+6+7=23 he died in 1994: 1+9+9+4=23
-Julius Caesar was stabbed 23 times when he was assassinated
-230 people died on TWA flight 800
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
sexy back vs Sexy Results

Sexy back vs Sexy Results: Okay so I'm sure every one's heard the Justin Timberlake song "Sexy Back" (admittedly not a terrible cut from him),and those of you who happen to actually be music literate have heard "Sexy Results" by Death From Above 1979 (If you haven't, you might as well stop reading right now, and not bother talking to me again). But here's the thing …and probably the reason JT's doesn't sound horrible to me … has anyone noticed how similar they are? Go listen …do it …right now! See what I mean? Maybe not exactly similar, but someone could mix them up. And do you know what this says to me? SOMEONE stole it! Maybe not the entire song, but definitely some of the music and kind of the words(okay, they're not alike, but vaguely similar, no?) so this got me thinking should people be making millions of dollars for stealing someone else's songs??
P!nk : "Stupid girls"
P!nk's music video- Stupid girls
Friday, June 8, 2007
Lucky break for Paris

Monday, June 4, 2007
Heidi & Spencer... Engaged????

I love the show "The Hills" sooo much and on the season finally Heidi moved out of her apartment that she shared with her "best friend" Lauren, and into a new place with her sleazy boyfriend Spencer (after he kicked Heidi out of his car when she said "no" the first time) anyways apparently they're engaged! after seeing the show people got a real look inside Spencer's personality and veiwers found out how big of a jack-@$$ he really is (fun facts: spencer has actually been banned from most of the night clubs because noone likes him. Heidi also got a nose job and a boob job after she started to date Spencer.) anyways just thought you guys might like to know... if not don't read my blogs
Rosie O'Donnel Vs. the Veiw

War: The Easiest Way To Get You

Bias Definition
Bias: to cause partiality or favoritism. - From "The Randomhouse Dictionary of the English Language, Second Edition" (that giant one in the library that no one uses ... I bet that if you go and look right now, it's still open to that page ... GO CHECK!!)
Army print in fashion.
facebook stalking ?

Friday, May 18, 2007
Shrek 3

This weekend I saw Shrek 3 and it was awesome! If you don't already know here's the story so far Shrek is a lovable green ogre who was sent to go rescue a princess- Fiona, for another prince, Shrek was all business at first but then he and Fiona fell in love and got married. Right after their honeymoon the newly wed couple goes to Fiona's parents-King and Queen of Far Far Away, for dinner. When a Fairy God Mother discovers Fiona and Shrek are married she reminds the king about a deal they agreed on years ago that Fiona should have married Prince Charming (her son). The king then hires a cat named Puss-in-Boots to kill Shrek things go slightly array when Shrek drinks a potion to make him look human and it somehow works on Fiona too Prince Charming uses it to his advantage since Fiona doesn't know what Shrek looks like as a human... to make a long story short Fiona finds out the truth and they live happily ever after.Now the story picks up with The king of Far Far Away dying and Shrek has to either beco

Thursday, May 17, 2007
Poor Paris
Ha! so I was reading a magazine yesterday in class and I saw this story about Paris Hilton going to jail! that kinda made me chuckle since it was for DUI and violation of her probation(suspension of her license). So now she's sentenced to 45 days in jail which Paris thinks is unfair since she could have killed some one but Paris thinks everyone is out to get her because she's famous (it has nothing to do with her being careless and irresponsible and thinking that because she is a celebrity makes it OK to drink and drive/driving with a suspended licence ). The 45 days spends in there will be awful she won't get make-up, her cellphone, her dog, drugs or alcohol... poor Paris! This might be a good thing for Paris since she's had no boundaries before. My question is why didn't she have a body guard or a chauffeur to drive her c'mon she's worth millions and millions of dollars she should have a body guard... any ways she's probably going to pay some people lots of money to stay out of jail, so in the long run she's probably going to get a few hours of community service, wow that's going to teach her a lesson. Another thing i find funny is the fact that people have made petitions to keep Paris out of jail because she "brings joy to people"... are you kidding me?? what has she really even done? except be a spoiled brat.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Rosa Parks

Monday, April 23, 2007
You're perfect... so what?
Is perfection really achievable? in school even if you deserve 100% or more you won't get it no matter what, the highest mark you can get is 99% (99% isn't perfect). Do people strive to be perfect for themselves or for other people? do you ever here a kid mad at themselves because they didn't get an A? no, they're pissed because there parents are going to be pissed or because their friend got a higher grade. So What? don't get me wrong, trying your best is great it's just that i don't see the point in getting worked up over something as dumb being the best at something. Let's just say you are perfect, then what? you can't get any better at what you do you can only get worse. I really don't think being perfect is worth it, I would rather have fun and try my best and not worry about every little thing.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
An Inconvenient Truth

Blondes vs Brunettes
Thursday, April 12, 2007
What a Great Influence!

Monday, April 2, 2007
Beauty is pain... You have no idea

Personally I believe that animal testing is wrong. People will argue that because of animal testing we have had many medical advances such as, penicillin, organ transplants, and many other vaccines. However do we actually need to torture animals to get the perfect shade of lipstick??? Cosmetic companies don't change the world they aren't trying to cure cancer or HIV/AIDS. With there advances you get foundation that matches your skin colour, or a lipgloss that stays on longer than other lip glosses(Wow), is that really worth it? For an animal in a testing lab, the time there born and every single day of their lives they are tortured, whether it's having chemicals burning your skin and eyes (They purposely blind animals just to find out facts we already know!!) and pumping chemicals into their stomaches, the only time they don't feel any pain is when they die-unloved and alone. Cosmetic companies use mice, rats dogs, cats, rabbits,birds, monkeys, and many other animals. You may ask yourself if we have so many advances why aren't there any other ways to test products? They have other ways to test their products they can use computer models and simulations, as well as cultured cells, bacteria or insects as replacements for mammals. Around 115 MILLION animals are experimented on and killed in laboratories(medical labs, universities, medical schools, pharmaceutical companies, farms and cosmetic companies) in the U.S. every year. Here are just a few products/companies that are tested on animals :
-Arm & Hammer
-Banana Boat
-Elizabeth Arden
-Johnson & Johnson
-S.C. Johnson & Son
-Max Factor
-Sally Hansen